Intergroup Committee
Intergroup Representatives
This is a position of responsibility. The Intergroup Representative shall keep the members of their group advised of the work of the outreach subcommittees, Intergroup, Finance and Operating committees. An Intergroup representative shall be elected by their group to a one-year term from date of election. For this position, it is suggested the member have at least one year of sobriety. The Intergroup Representative encourages unity and participation of the groups in the Intergroup service area. This may include assisting Operating Committee members in visiting inactive groups within their zone as described in the duties of the Operating Committee member. Each group shall notify the Intergroup office of the name and contact information of their Representative when elected. If for any reason the Intergroup Representative cannot attend meetings of the Intergroup Committee, an elected alternate may represent the group and vote in their stead.
Meetings of the Intergroup Committee
The Intergroup Committee shall hold regular monthly meetings. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Operating Committee by giving notice in writing (including email, if requested by the group or Intergroup committee member) to all members of the Intergroup Committee of the time, place and agenda for any special meeting. A quorum shall be defined as the Intergroup Committee members in attendance. The Intergroup Committee holds an annual meeting not later than the last day of February. At the annual meeting, Operating Committee elections will be held as described in the Operating Committee Members and Qualifications section of these Procedures. The reports of the Operating Committee and its outreach subcommittees are given and these and other business of the Intergroup Committee shall be addressed. At all meetings, the members of the Intergroup Committee represent the group conscience of all groups in the Intergroup service area their recommendations shall be carried out by the Operating Committee.
Great Vancouver Intergroup Committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm.
Prior to the 7:30pm meeting each month, there is a new Intergroup Rep Orientation meeting at 7:00pm.
All members are welcome to attend either meeting, in person at 3457 Kingsway, Van. or online:
Link to attend, click here.
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Meeting ID: 604 434 3933
Passcode: 440158