2025 Group Helpline Commitment

Fields marked with an * are required

The responsibility being agreed to is:

  • Notify the Telephone Committee of a group member to act as the Telephone Representative and keep the information updated.
  • The Group will provide the names and phone numbers of three AA members at least three business days before each shift.
  • Give one month’s notice before canceling the shift before completing the one-year term.

 Please have only one member of your group submit this form. Without a Phone Rep, any other trusted servant may speak on behalf of the group.

Does your group currently hold a Help Line Phone Shift? *
Does your group conscience agree to a 2025 Help Line Phone Shift? *
12 of 12 Character(s) left

Please complete this form by Thursday, October 31st, 2024.

If your group has accepted the 2025 Phone Rosters, they will be made available for review at the telephone committee meeting on by Tuesday, November 12, 2024.

Staff will finalize them should there be no required changes by Tuesday, December 10th.

Thank you for your service and dedication to this most vital form of 12th-step work 😊